Meladaj Soft drink & Meladaj Energy drink
are born from an idea and a dream of Alessandro Baselice, a small entrepreneur of S. Giorgio A Cremano (NA).
In the BEVERAGE world, totally controlled and monopolized by the Foreign Lobbies and the Multinationals, Alessandro’s idea was to produce a drink completely Italian, new, pleasing, cool and refreshing and suitable for everyone, which could replace in a short time the many bad drinks on the market and and thus becoming the favourite people’s Italian natural drink.
Its brand, which immediately attracts attention and sparks the imagination of all, is fun and witty and is a hymn to socialization and fun. The packaging, totally revolutionary in its kind, is of great visual impact and, reflecting the patriotism of the creator, reproduces the colours of Made in Italy. The white of purity, green for nature and red of passion.
Finally an Italian drink for the world
Soft drink
MELADAJ is a natural soft drink with low sugar content, very cool and refreshing. Its light and soft taste captures you immediately. It is a delight for the palate and is suitable for everyone, children and adults.
MELADAJ soft drink does not contain any harmful element to the body and has a degree of gassing lower than the standard. It is also an excellent base for alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.
It is ideal for a break of cheerfulness in the company and to dine on the hot summer days.
Take a drink with a lot of ice at all hours, or mix in cocktails prepared for you by the most important Italian bartenders.

Energy drink
In the varied and complex world of Energy Drinks, MELADAJ ENERGY is the first, unique, true apple energy drink, all ENGLISH, licensed by the Ministry of Health.
The elements contained in this particularly energetic, Vitamin B, Caffeine and Taurine make MELADAJ ENERGY perfect to compensate for shortcomings due to excessive workloads, improve concentration and increase attention due to stressful mental commitments, maintain mental performance reducing fatigue and fatigue during sports
After an intense physical effort, the mental energies are reduced considerably and the receptive organs undergo a noticeable decline in sensitivity and attention. In addition, the muscles that have undergone a strong stress and agonizing effort relax over and the body undergoes a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion. Even more important is the particular attention that must be paid to those subjects who have to endure intensive and performing shifts or drivers who have been undergoing long hours of driving.
MELADAJ energy helps to compensate for all these shortcomings and to bring new energy ready to the body.
It is advisable to drink it not excessively iced and not mixed with alcohol.

Soft & Energy Drink alla Mela